How to Set Goals for Fall 2022

If you are looking for a method to set and achieve your goals for the end of the year, you have come to the right place. Setting goals can be intimidating, but it does not have to be! Here is my four-step method for setting and breaking down goals so that you have the tools to succeed.

  1. Set SMART Goals

SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timebound. When you think through these five criteria while goal-setting, you end up with strong, actionable statements that clearly define what, how, and when you are going to accomplish what you set out to do. For example, if your goal is to wake up earlier, a short-term SMART goal might be:

Over the next six days, I will set my usual 7:30 am alarm back five minutes earlier every day until I reach 6:30 am so that I have an hour of time to myself before the day begins.

This goal is specific (setting your alarm back five minutes each day until your reach 6:30 am), measurable (you will either wake up on time each day or sleep in), achievable (scooting an alarm back by five minutes every day is reasonable), relevant (you want to wake up earlier so that you have time to yourself in the morning), and time-bound (you will do these things over a six-day period). It is hard to argue with a SMART goal because you spell it all out, right there! It forces you to think through the habits underlying the goal that you have now made a plan to achieve. When we do the hard work up front, aka thinking through the process, we develop a system to personalize our goals to our lifestyle. This takes what was once an ambiguous desire and transforms it into a personalized commitment to success.


2. Share your goals with someone

You may feel silly at first, but few things motivate us humans as well as peer pressure. Studies support the fact that we are significantly more likely to achieve our goals if we make them public. Not only do we dislike letting others down, but this strategy also puts a cheerleader on your side who can provide positive reinforcement, celebrate your progress, and help hold you accountable. With a support system in place from the very beginning, you have someone at the ready to reach out to when you encounter challenges or setbacks in your journey. Whether you choose to tell a friend, a family member, or post on social media, you’ll be in better shape to succeed if you make your goal public. 

3. Visualize your success

Now that you have determined what completing your goal looks like by setting a SMART goal, ask yourself how you are going to feel when you achieve that goal! Allow yourself to visualize what your life will be like, once you achieve your goal. Do you have more energy and feel happier throughout the day after you achieve your goal of getting eight hours of sleep for an entire week? Do you feel less stressed and more valued after landing that new job? Whatever your goal may be, develop an emotional connection to what your life looks like after you succeed. Emotions are very strong determinants of action, so the more passionately you feel about your vision of success, the more likely you are to bring it to life.

4. Celebrate your accomplishment

Make a plan for how you will celebrate once you achieve your goal! Set aside some time to appreciate your efforts, and don’t plan to move on to the next goal until you have identified some way to recognize yourself for making and delivering on a commitment to yourself. Each time we set a goal and accomplish it, we build trust with ourselves, and have that much more confidence to accomplish whatever it is that we set out to do next. Whether you choose to reward yourself with something you’ve had your eyes on, a self-care activity, a delicious meal (in or out!), or a great night out with friends, choose something to aspire to that will further encourage you—even when your motivation wanes—to accomplish what you set out to do.